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Blotter - Mesa County Sheriff's Office - Mesa County, Colorado
Blotter Reports These reports are provided to the public in compliance with the Colorado Open Records Act C.R.S. 24-72-304 The Booking Summary Report is a list of all people booked into the Mesa County Detention Facility within the last 24 hours of the date of the report.
Blotter Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BLOTTER is a piece of blotting paper. How to use blotter in a sentence.
BLOTTER | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
BLOTTER meaning: 1. a large piece of blotting paper with a stiff back that is used to absorb ink, and is often put…. Learn more.
BLOTTER | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
BLOTTER definition: 1. a large piece of blotting paper with a stiff back that is used to absorb ink, and is often put…. Learn more.
Blotter - definition of blotter by The Free Dictionary
Define blotter. blotter synonyms, blotter pronunciation, blotter translation, English dictionary definition of blotter. n. 1. A piece or pad of blotting paper. 2. A book containing daily records of occurrences or transactions: a police blotter. American Heritage® Dictionary...
Blotter Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
BLOTTER meaning: 1 : a large piece of blotting paper that is placed in a stiff frame on top of a desk; 2 : a book used in a police station for writing down information about people or events
Blotter - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘blotter'. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
Getting a police report - Minnesota Department of Public Safety
Many victims want to get a copy of the law enforcement incident report following a crime. Sometimes, they face difficulties, such as being told the report cannot be released, getting only a brief report, or getting a report with information blocked out.
blotter - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
blotter (plural blotters) A piece of blotting paper in a pad as a piece of desk furniture. Synonyms: desk blotter, desk pad (law enforcement) A daily register of arrests and other events in a police station. Synonym: police blotter; A register of the related events made in the form of the list of times and brief descriptions.
BLOTTER Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
a daily record of events, such as arrests, in a police station (esp in the phrase police blotter)